Discover the ONE Thing that Can Change EVERYTHING
You're desperate for more, for different, for better.
You've been living in the same unhappy cycle for years, yet you've done nothing to change it. Why?
I'll venture to guess it's because you don't know where to begin. I'll also venture to guess that one or more of the following thoughts have floated around, maybe even permanently planted themselves in your mind:
I don’t have enough money
What would my friends & family think?
What if it doesn’t work?
What if I can't find another job?
I spent all that money on this degree
I don't have time
And each one of those then branches out into more limiting thoughts and worries that take you further and further away from what you want. I know…I've been there.
Having experienced a few life-changing events myself (some of which were so hard I wondered if I'd ever recover), I've learned at least three things:
Every change begins with a single first step.
That single first step packs a helluva punch.
Thinking about all the things that can go wrong is an energy drainer; stop doing it!
As a result of what I’ve learned I now approach changes (especially the big ones) by completing an exercise that helps me uncover the ONE most effective thing I can do that will get me closer to what I want.
The Exercise
Start by booking a single day off from work and family — I suggest one, as knowing you only booked the one day will force you to really focus. It’s THE day you’ll use to finally think productively about what you want, and plan how you'll get there.
And here's a tip for you: Don’t try this at home, kid!
Get out of the space that will distract you with it's TVs, dishes, and the closet that needs re-organizing. Go to a café (if you like the background hum like I do), or go to your local library. - anywhere but the same place in which you've been living out the cycle you're trying to break.
1, 2, 3, Go!
Once you've settle into your chosen focus space grab a pencil, a blank sheet of paper (the bigger the better), and go!
Write down what you want, (really want and be specific!) in the middle of your sheet - circle it
Write down all the obstacles, worries and excuses you have around it - ALL OF THEM before moving to step 3 (leave some space next to each worry)
Next to each obstacle, worry and excuse write ONE thing you can do about it
Now, sit back and look at all the SOLUTIONS you’ve written down — yay!
You (maybe): “Wait, no! Not ‘yay’! How do I even begin to choose one now, Liz?!?”
Me (definitely): I got ya!
Use these guiding questions to choose the one thing you'll do within 24 hours:
Which one will make the other ideas easier to execute (if applicable)
Which one will help me take the biggest leap forward
Which one eliminates the biggest obstacle?
Do you see it emerging now? I didn’t say it was going to be easy, but it’s in there somewhere, like Waldo waiting to be found.
At the end of this exercise, you're sure to have at least one thing you can do right away, and maybe even a few AHAs about worries that needn’t be worries at all!
Most importantly though (or this will all have been for naught!) take action within 24 hours - anything to get that big step started: a phone call, an email, an appointment secured, ANYTHING to get you committed to that single first step. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to come up with additional excuses and worries, and end up where you were before you started.
So, which action will it be? What’s the ONE thing you’ll do today that can change EVERYTHING forever?